Saturday, February 1, 2014

Trust in God

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and also trust in me."
- John 14:1

Everyone in the world obviously trust someone, even things, like the chair, you trust in them, because you sit on them and know that it won't make you fall. Many of us also trust in books, like our textbooks, we learn and study using that book, so we trust our books. We trust our teachers, because when our teachers lecture us something, we will listen to them and try to do it if it is possible to be done.

BUT... the most important one that we need to trust is God. We need to trust Him, and we trust God, we follow His words, we obey the ten commandments, and most of all, the Bible. The Bible is not a book about God, but rather... it is God talking directly to us. If we read and understand the Bible, then we are hearing God's voice, and most of the time we apply it to our lives. There is one Bible verse, but there are lots of others, but this particular one touches people's hearts when they really understand and read it. It says: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.   - Philippians 4:13. To me, this means that we can do all the things, but we can't do it on our own, we do it with the help of Christ, who strengthens us in doing all things, to make it possible.

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