Hearing God's voice

Do you want to hear God's voice? If you do, then let's go!!!

Okay, the first thing is Silence, it is the complete absence of sound, when there is no sound, God will speak to you.

The second thing is solitude, it is the state of situation being alone, when we are alone, sometimes, we will read the Bible and God is talking to us through the Bible. 

The third thing is simplicity, it is to be in the state of being easy to understand to, and if we are in that state, we can understand the Bible better, and understanding the Bible better is also God speaking to us.

The last thing is to surrender, and it is to submit to our highest authority, and in Christian's life, we submit ourselves to God. God is our highest authority.

When we hear God's voice, we need to trust is, obey what He said and repeat whatever God ask us to do.

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